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84,458 translators

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Quotes Status Creator Specify 7 privacyIDEA Displeger verboù Gumbo: Twitch Companion MemoSync NewPipe Lunar Launcher wger Workout Manager Kibana DocConvert2 PortProton Damask Stellarium-mobile OTP-react-redux speech dispatcher FSearch Nutty SuperFreezZ Tracks

3 projects
2,392 translators

Mattermost Weblate

Playbooks Calls Mattermost

1 project
36 translators


4 projects
89 translators

Eso Spolszczenie

Jesteśmy grupą zapaleńców, którzy z pasji tłumaczą Elder Scrolls Online. Chcesz pomóc w tłumaczeniu odwiedź discorda: https://discord.gg/xg8eJnM

6 projects
292 translators

Funkwhale Weblate

Help translating Funkwhale and its surrounding projects!

Funkwhale Tab Center Reborn Documentation UI Components Website

4 projects
131 translators


Checkmk - IT infrastructure monitoring

