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Weblate Blogu

11 Ekim 2013

Hackweek is over

10th hackweek is over and I think it has been again great chance to hack on something. This year we even had better food supplies so interruptions from hacking were even less frequent.

07 Ekim 2013

First day of Hackweek

First day of hackweek did not really go as planned. I had to spend too much time on tasks which I did not now I will have to do in advance.

07 Ekim 2013

Weblate 1.7

Weblate 1.7 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially in translation speed and many new features.

03 Ekim 2013

Call for Weblate translations

Weblate, a free web-based translation management system, of course also needs to be translated. Now it's right time to complete translation into your language before Weblate 1.7 will be released.

13 Eylül 2013

Weblate free hosting

The amount of projects using Hosted Weblate grows every month so it seems like there is quite interest in that. This growth will however bring some challenges in the future.

09 Ağustos 2013

Roadmap for Weblate 1.7

Weblate 1.6 is already two weeks out without any regressions, so now it's time to think about features for 1.7.

01 Ağustos 2013

Weblate 1.6 in SUSE Studio

Finally, Weblate 1.6 is available as ready to use appliance in SUSE Studio.

25 Temmuz 2013

Weblate 1.6

Weblate 1.6 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially adds voting for suggestions, improves import performance and brings more helpful admin interface. This is also first release with crowdfunded feature, but there are still some features to fund!

19 Temmuz 2013

Speed improvements in Weblate

Yesterday, I've spent some time trying to improve speed of translation import in Weblate. It got annoyingly slow while adding new features and I felt there has to be some area for improvements even with all the features.

17 Temmuz 2013

Weblate has suggestion voting

The first crowdfunded feature for Weblate is here - Voting for suggestions.
