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Easy to use interface
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Customizable quality checks
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Detailed context

Translators are provided detailed translation context, from translation files, or data enriched within Weblate.

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Fluent communication

All translations are tracked and can be commented.

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Android string resources strings.xml Apple iOS strings .strings App store metadata files .txt ARB File .arb CSV files .csv DTD files .dtd Excel Open XML .xslx Flat XML files .xml Fluent format .ftl GNU gettext .po, .pot, .mo go-i18n JSON files .json gotext JSON files .json GWT properties .properties HTML files .html i18next JSON files .json IDML Format .idml INI translations .ini Inno Setup INI translations .islu Java properties .properties Joomla translations .ini JSON files .json React Intl .json Vue I18n .json Laravel PHP strings .php Markdown files .md mi18n lang files .lang Mobile Kotlin resources .xml OpenDocument Format .odt, .ods, .odp PHP strings .php Qt Linguist .ts .ts ResourceDictionary files .xaml .NET resource files (RESX, RESW) .resx, .resw Ruby YAML files .yaml Stringsdict format .stringsdict Subtitle files .srt TermBase eXchange format .tbx Text files .txt WebExtension JSON .json Windows RC files .rc XLIFF .xliff YAML files .yaml

Gratis or Premium—it’s up to you

Premium Cloud

for ease and comfort

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Source strings 1,000
Languages 15
Projects 1
Components Unlimited
Save 13%€199yearly
Source strings 3,000
Languages 30
Projects 2
Components Unlimited
Save 15%€499yearly
Source strings 10,000
Languages 60
Projects Unlimited
Components Unlimited
Save 16%€999yearly
Source strings 50,000
Languages 100
Projects Unlimited
Components Unlimited
Save 17%€2,999yearly


for complete control

Source strings Unlimited
Languages Unlimited
Projects Unlimited
Components Unlimited
with paid support

Gratis Weblate

for libre projects

Source strings 10,000
Languages 90
Projects 1
Components Unlimited
upon request
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