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Discover your favorite project

Benjamin Alan Jamie
Meu. 26, 2021

No boring release notes of a minor version today! Well, you can still read the changelog. And don’t worry, their time will return.

Discover Weblate

We have the beta version of a much-needed feature for you! Weblate’s popularity is growing fast, and not all the projects open for translation contributors are on Hosted Weblate. And that’s good; that is the power of libre software and decentralization.

Some projects are too big to not having their own Weblate instance, some want to have all on their HW, and others just like the choice of deployment without asking anyone. And that’s the perk of choice.

Over the time, many translators have been asking Weblate support about where to translate which project. We discovered multiple servers thanks to that, so we wanted to give users a place to search and discover Weblate. And here it is, guess the name. -drumroll- Discover Weblate :)

It is a public, searchable list of all Weblate instances where their administrators agreed with the listing. You can find there your favorite project, click and start translating right ahead. There are just a few servers listed with provisional pictures in the current beta phase, but it will get crowded soon.

  • If you are an admin of a Weblate server, follow the docs and get listed!
  • If you are a translator and want your beloved community to be listed, tell your admin.
  • All your beautiful ideas are much appreciated in the discussions.

The server has to run 4.5.2 (or later) to enable the listing.


A lovely tuning in this release is the simplified way to upload the screenshots to a string. If you have the privilege of it, enjoy the upload! If you want, you can consult the docs.

To sum up this big-minor release, let’s mention performance improvements for bulk edit, automatic translation, and adding new strings or glossary terms.

Last but not least, several checks were improved to raise the standard of your translations.

Keep it up with the buzz and share your ideas, join Weblate discussions on GitHub, or follow Weblate on Twitter!

That’s 4.5.2; enjoy the weekend and update!
