Блог Weblate
Weblate has per project ACL
I've got yet another question whether Weblate has any sort for ACL to limit access to project. As usual, my answer was no, but I started to think how I would implement such feature.
Improvements in Weblate master
As there is still some development ongoing in Weblate, it's time to share information about some of the features you can expect in upcoming release.
Going to FOSDEM 2013
I've just confirmed my flight and hotel bookings for FOSDEM 2013, so I'm looking to meet all great people there again.
Free software plans for 2013
Year 2013 has just started and it's time to think how to spend my free time during this year.
Translate toolkit supports Android resources
After several months, my patches for Android resources support in translate-toolkit has been merged.
PyGtk in virtualenv on Travis
Weblate is using Travis CI for continuous integration. That in turn uses virtualenv to test against different Python version.
Flexible commit messages in Weblate
Next release of Weblate, the web based translation tool, will bring more flexibility in creating commit messages to allow include there whatever your project would like to see.
Multi part progress in Weblate
Weblate is still evolving and it recently got new feature to allow better overview of translation status - multi part progress bars.
Weblate 1.3 at SUSE Studio
Finally, I've managed to update SUSE Studio images with Weblate to recently released 1.3. So you can now fetch there various images for your virtual machines or clouds.
Weblate available as BitNami stack
Weblate is now available for your cloud or virtual machines - BitNami has published Weblate stack.