Блог Weblate
Going to LinuxTag
Together with many phpMyAdmin guys, I'm traveling to LinuxTag 2014 in few days. We'll have a booth there (hall 6, booth A13), where we will show some demos and you can stop by and chat with us.
Heartbleed fun
You probably know about heartbleed bug in OpenSSL as it is so widespread that it got to mainstream medias as well. As I'm running Debian Wheezy on my servers, they were affected as well.
New SSL certificates
Today, I've replaced server SSL certificates with new ones issues by GlobalSign. These should not suffer of same trust problems as CACert one used so far (especially after CACert root certificate being removed from Debian).
Going to FOSDEM
Same as in past year, I'm attending FOSDEM 2014. This is the best opportunity to meet with free software world in Europe and get in touch with people you know only from mailing lists.
Weblate 1.8
Weblate 1.8 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially in registration process where you can now use many third party services.
Weblate 1.8 is close
Thanks to great amount of changes I've been able do in Weblate during Hackweek, the 1.8 release is quite close.
Hackweek is over
10th hackweek is over and I think it has been again great chance to hack on something. This year we even had better food supplies so interruptions from hacking were even less frequent.
First day of Hackweek
First day of hackweek did not really go as planned. I had to spend too much time on tasks which I did not now I will have to do in advance.
Weblate 1.7
Weblate 1.7 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially in translation speed and many new features.
Call for Weblate translations
Weblate, a free web-based translation management system, of course also needs to be translated. Now it's right time to complete translation into your language before Weblate 1.7 will be released.