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Weblate 1.2

Michal Čihař
Eos. 14, 2012

Quite on schedule, Weblate 1.2 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially for project admins, handling of po files and improved performance.

Full list of changes for 1.2:

  • Weblate now uses South for database migration, please check upgrade instructions if you are upgrading.
  • Fixed minor issues with linked git repos.
  • New introduction page for engaging people with translating using Weblate.
  • Added widgets which can be used for promoting translation projects.
  • Added option to reset repository to origin (for privileged users).
  • Project or subproject can now be locked for translations.
  • Possibility to disable some translations.
  • Configurable options for adding new translations.
  • Configuration of git commits per project.
  • Simple antispam protection.
  • Better layout of main page.
  • Support for automatically pushing changes on every commit.
  • Support for email notifications of translators.
  • List only used languages in preferences.
  • Improved handling of not known languages when importing project.
  • Support for locking translation by translator.
  • Optionally maintain Language-Team header in po file.
  • Include some statistics in about page.
  • Supports (and requires) django-registration 0.8.
  • Caching of counted units with failing checks.
  • Checking of requirements during setup.
  • Documentation improvements.

You can find more information about Weblate on it's website, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Ready to run appliances can be found in SUSE Studio Gallery.

Weblate is also being used https://l10n.cihar.com/ as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, Gammu, Weblate itself and others.

If you are free software project which would like to use Weblate, I'm happy to help you with set up or even host Weblate for you (this will be decided case by case as my hosting space is limited).

Update: Weblate appliace has been updated to 1.2 as well.
