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Routine brings awesomeness: Weblate 4.3

Benjamin Alan Jamie
15. октобар 2020.

You can rely on Weblate, even through these uncertain times. Like every other month, we have a release for you!

Busy? Check the changelog. Feeling nerdy? Prepare popcorn and munch through all the issues in the 4.3 milestone.

So what’s fancy on this version?

API, again! New improvements help you to manage users, glossaries, and units comfortably. Click and go deeper to know more about Weblate’s mighty API! Do you know that you can use it as a Python package, or newly even as Docker container?

Name two most popular Git hosting sites! Got them? Yes, we make support for their specific pull-requests even better. For both.

If you like to modify translation files outside the Weblate editor, we make it easier for you with improved downloads. And if you want to remove some string from your files, Weblate can do it for you now.

Oh, and we should make honorable mentions, right? So one of the bugs we fixed in this release is this naughty one with Android XML files.

If you like to do some peeking before updating, peek at Hosted. Extended support owners can put their legs up to their tables; the update is on the way. Wanna feel the same comfort? Ask the Weblate team to help you, not only with updates!

Keep it up with the buzz and share ideas, join Weblate discussions on GitHub, or follow Weblate on Twitter!

Stay safe!

4.3, that’s all, folks.
