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Услови коришћења

Правни документи неопходни за понуду ове услуге. Документ Услова коришћења је званичан на енглеском. Превод је омогућен да вам олакша увид.

Погледај верзију на енглеском

The rights and obligations of the User and the Provider resulting from the use of the Service are governed by these Terms of Service.


У овим условима коришћења:

means License Agreement within the meaning of Article 2358 et seq. of the Civil Code concluded by and between the User and the Provider upon the Consent
Civil Code
means Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended
means the User’s consent with these Terms of Service and other legal documents expressed by checking the checkbox during the registration
means any datafile sent by the web server of the Service to the User’s computer or other device connected to the Internet, which enable obtaining unique identification of the User’s web browser
означава ЕУ регулативу бр. 679/2016, „Општа регулатива заштите података“
means non-exclusive license granted by the Provider to the User for use of the Service
Пружалац услуге
means Ing. Michal Čihař, Nábřežní 694, 471 54 Cvikov, CZ, Reg. No. 04705904
Лични подаци
means personal data within the meaning of EU Regulation No. 679/2016 inserted by the User into the Service and/or Cookies
означава корисника који управља пројектом
означава пројекат превођења обрађиван на Пружаоцу услуга
means the website and services based on Weblate operated by the Provider
Преводилачка меморија
means the optional translation memory service provided within Weblate
means any legal entity or an individual other than the Provider, who is using the Service
Систем контроле верзија
means distributed version control system used by the Project such as Git or Mercurial

License Agreement Conclusion

The License Agreement is concluded upon the User’s Acceptance of the Provider’s Offer.

License Agreement

By concluding Agreement under Article 2.1 of this Agreement, the following provisions of this Article 3 of the Terms of Service come into force.

The Provider presents the User with a License Agreement and the User accepts this License Agreement, all this under the terms and conditions stated in these Terms of Service.

The Provider shall have the right to shut down, adjust, modify or make the Service unavailable on the web address at any time.

The User agrees to use the Service only in a manner not jeopardizing technical software and/or hardware means of the Provider and/or such means in the Provider’s use.

The User agrees to refrain from use of the Service in bad faith and/or deliberately causing any damage to the Service.

The User agrees to refrain from bypassing the Service’s software and/or technical hardware means, in particular the security systems.

Liability for Damage

The User hereby renders it undisputed that the Provider shall not be liable for any damage caused to the User resulting from the use of the Service.

If the User is an entrepreneur, it hereby expressly waives its right to compensation from the Provider for damage unintentionally caused by the Provider to the User through a breach of any obligation contained in these Terms of Service and/or resulting from the use of the Service.

Лични подаци

Within the meaning of Article 7 of the GDPR the User hereby gives consent to collecting, storage, and processing of the Personal Data according to the Privacy Policy.


The Service organizes translation into individual Projects, where the Owner is responsible for managing them and for specifying accurately the license of the Project.

Not specifying translation license means that the translations are available under same license as the given Project itself.

Should the Project opt in for the Translation Memory, license to use the translation is granted to all Translation Memory users.

The User agrees, upon contributing to a Project, to the license the Project has specified.

The User agrees to use of name and e-mail as authorship in the VCS commits. The User understands that this grant is non-revocable due to the nature of the VCS.


Within the meaning of Article 89 Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on electronic communication, as amended, the User is informed that the Service uses Cookies.

The Service uses Cookies to personalise content.

Governing Law

These Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic with exclusion of conflict rules.

Any disputes arising on the basis of the Agreement and/or these Terms of Service shall be resolved by the court of the Czech republic having substantive and local jurisdiction.


These Terms of Service shall come into force and effect on 15th May 2023.
