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Major version, major glossary change: 4.5

Benjamin Alan Jamie
C'hwe. 19, 2021

Welcome, new major here!

This article will be pretty narrow-focused, so feel free to check the changelog as a more complete version with all the improvements and fixes mentioned. Milestone with 215 issues is also available.

Fixes cover several checks, but more things are new and improved!

There’s a pseudolocale generation addon for easier in-app testing. A new upload method you can use for adding strings to any file, mono or bilingual is there, and the removing strings option can now be turned on for bilingual formats, too.

The main story today is glossaries

Weblate now stores them as components using TermBase eXchange file format by default. Thanks to this, you can share them between projects, sync them with your repositories, and use the same API calls you are using for other components. We also added features for forbidden and non-translatable terms, defining terminology, and a check to seal that translations match the glossary. It’s a big change we are sure that you will like if you try it!

The best thing? You don’t have to do anything to convert your existing glossaries, the process is fully automatic and worry-free.

It is clear it will start many conversations so feel free to do it in Weblate discussions on GitHub, or follow Weblate on Twitter!

If you like to do some peeking before updating, peek at Hosted. Extended support owners already got the message from us, and the update is on the way. Wanna feel the same comfort? Just ask the Weblate team to help you, not only with updates!

If you are a happy community translator on Hosted Weblate, consider checking the new checkbox in the Notifications panel. This will add all projects you contributed to as watched projects, so you’ll receive the notification every time there's a new string for a translation!

That’s 4.5, have a great day!
