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Roadmap for Weblate

Michal Čihař
23. marts 2012

There were no big updates from me on Weblate this week. I decided to settle down a bit and focus on bringing it close to 1.0 release. I plan to release 0.8 in one or two weeks, which should include all features. After it receives some testing and bug fixes, 0.9 will be released and if no major problems occur 1.0 will follow shortly.

Right now most of the core for all features is prepared, just some user interface is missing for most of them. The 0.8 release will come with rewritten full text search (now is based on Whoosh), changes tracking (for possible review of changes made by others) and built in dictionary for frequently used terms. Along with these changes there are smaller ones as well like improvements to various consistency checks, cleaned up translate page or faster loading of translation services.

Anyway if you feel something is done wrongly, it is now last chance to complain so that it is possible to do some bigger change for 1.0 release.
