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01 Agosto 2012

Mailing list for Weblate

More and more people seem to be interested in Weblate and it is becoming less and less comfortable to handle all this communication privately in my mailbox.

27 Luglio 2012

Weblate hacking #5

Last day of Hackweek VIII is over and I think Weblate is pretty much ready for 1.2 release.

26 Luglio 2012

Weblate hacking #4

Fourth day of Hackweek VIII was for me again mostly spent on Weblate. This time there are no new nice features, but rather general improvements to the code.

25 Luglio 2012

Weblate hacking #3

As you can see on github, there are currently no open issues for Weblate's 1.2 milestone. Looks like I've done most of my Hackweek VIII project faster than expected, but I might add some more improvements.

24 Luglio 2012

Weblate hacking #2

Second day of Hackweek VIII is over and there has been again great progress on Weblate.

23 Luglio 2012

Weblate hacking #1

The first day of Hackweek VIII is about to end for me and it's time to share some of the results.

11 Luglio 2012

New Weblate widget to embed in your site

Weblate just got new feature, which might help you attracting new translators - embeddable widgets. You can put them to your website to show current state of the translation and attract new ones to simple introduction page.

05 Luglio 2012

Roadmap for Weblate 1.2

As Weblate 1.1 is out, it's time to schedule next release. This release will bring some small improvements to the workflow, especially it will allow to tune it to different use cases than I originally had in mind.

04 Luglio 2012

Weblate 1.1

Pretty much on schedule, Weblate 1.1 has been released today. It comes with translation updates, bug fixes, improvements in working with Git repositories and brings support for offloading indexing.

02 Luglio 2012

Surprising uses of Weblate

When I wrote Weblate I expected that major use cases will be free software projects, which will use it for public translating service. At least this was my intention for it.
