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Werken bij Weblate

Weblate, het vrije vertaalplatform, wil dat u het team komt versterken!

Meer informatie Contacteer ons

Libre software advocates

We embrace open source principles, with all our code and issues accessible to the public, fostering collaboration and transparency.

Remote work flexibility

Enjoy the convenience of working remotely while collaborating with a diverse team of dedicated individuals.

Room for growth

As a small company, we offer opportunities for personal and professional development. Every team member has space to contribute and grow.

Front-end developer

Are you passionate about improving user experiences and making a meaningful impact? Join us as a front-end developer to elevate Weblate's interface!

  • Freedom to Innovate: Our front-end, currently powered by Bootstrap and jQuery, offers you the opportunity to shape its future by selecting the frameworks that best fit our goals.
  • Strong Foundation: Our Python-based back-end utilizes Django, Django REST framework, Celery, Translate Toolkit, and more, providing a solid backbone for further enhancements.
  • Open Collaboration: Dive into our open issues to gain insights and contribute to our dynamic ecosystem. Showcase your skills by tackling one of our good first issues and making a tangible impact.

Desired Skills & Experience

  • Strong skills in front-end development and user experience design.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.
  • Passion for open source principles and collaborative development.

If you're ready to contribute your expertise and shape the future of Weblate, apply now to join our team!

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Klantenservice en verkoop

We're looking for a person who loves to speak with the people and will help them in getting the most out of Weblate.

  • Customer success: U werkt met klanten, luistert naar hun wensen en staat ze bij met raad en daad.
  • Backed by engineers: U bent een aanspreekpersoon voor hulpbehoevende klanten. Onze ontwikkelaars werken nauw met u samen om klantproblemen op te lossen.
  • Expand your responsibility: U kunt ook uw expertise uitbreiden, bijvoorbeeld door artikelen te plaatsen op ons blog, onze socialemedia-accounts te beheren, te communiceren met onze gemeenschap of door onze documentatie te verbeteren.

Desired Skills & Experience

  • Ability to learn technical concepts quickly and communicate to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.
  • Passion for open source principles and collaborative development.

If you're ready to contribute your expertise and shape the future of Weblate, apply now to join our team!

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Weblate is een platform voor een van de meest positieve en krachtige gemeenschappen van vrije software. We leren en groeien samen en we verbinden de wereld.

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