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2014년 10월 2일

Merging Weblate instances

For quite some time, I've been running translation server for projects where I am involved at l10n.cihar.com. Historically this used Pootle, but when we had more and more problems with that, I've written Weblate and started to use it there.

2014년 7월 15일

New UI for Weblate

For quite some time, I'm working on new UI for Weblate. As the time is always limited, the progress is not that fast as I would like to see, but I think it's time to show the current status to wider audience.

2014년 5월 15일

Rewamping UI for Weblate

For quite some time I was pretty confident that Weblate will need some UI rewrite at some point. This is always problematic thing for me as I'm no way an UI designer and thus I always hope that somebody else will do that. I've anyway spent few hours on train home from LinuxTag to check what I could do with that.

2014년 5월 6일

Weblate 1.9

Weblate 1.9 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements and bug fixes and with experimental Zen mode for editing translations.

2014년 5월 5일

Going to LinuxTag

Together with many phpMyAdmin guys, I'm traveling to LinuxTag 2014 in few days. We'll have a booth there (hall 6, booth A13), where we will show some demos and you can stop by and chat with us.

2014년 4월 10일

Heartbleed fun

You probably know about heartbleed bug in OpenSSL as it is so widespread that it got to mainstream medias as well. As I'm running Debian Wheezy on my servers, they were affected as well.

2014년 4월 1일

New SSL certificates

Today, I've replaced server SSL certificates with new ones issues by GlobalSign. These should not suffer of same trust problems as CACert one used so far (especially after CACert root certificate being removed from Debian).

2014년 1월 20일

Going to FOSDEM

Same as in past year, I'm attending FOSDEM 2014. This is the best opportunity to meet with free software world in Europe and get in touch with people you know only from mailing lists.

2013년 11월 7일

Weblate 1.8

Weblate 1.8 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially in registration process where you can now use many third party services.

2013년 10월 24일

Weblate 1.8 is close

Thanks to great amount of changes I've been able do in Weblate during Hackweek, the 1.8 release is quite close.
