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Blog do Weblate / Funcionalidades

11 de Dezembro de 2012

Translate toolkit supports Android resources

After several months, my patches for Android resources support in translate-toolkit has been merged.

30 de Novembro de 2012

Flexible commit messages in Weblate

Next release of Weblate, the web based translation tool, will bring more flexibility in creating commit messages to allow include there whatever your project would like to see.

29 de Novembro de 2012

Multi part progress in Weblate

Weblate is still evolving and it recently got new feature to allow better overview of translation status - multi part progress bars.

21 de Novembro de 2012

Weblate available as BitNami stack

Weblate is now available for your cloud or virtual machines - BitNami has published Weblate stack.

20 de Novembro de 2012

Weblate hook at Github

Github now provides native hook for Weblate. This means that all you need to do to link these two together is to enter URL of your Weblate installation and you are done.

18 de Novembro de 2012

Roadmap for Weblate 1.4

As Weblate 1.3 is out, it's time to think about features for next release. My current plan is to go more into two areas.

7 de Novembro de 2012

RTL languages support

While working on tool for online translating, I should have probably expected this, but somehow it surprised me - Weblate should support RTL languages.

2 de Novembro de 2012

RSS feeds and feature freeze of Weblate 1.3

Yesterday I've completed last big feature I wanted to have for Weblate 1.3 - improved changes tracking and exporting this as RSS feed.

1 de Novembro de 2012

Weblate brings source strings checks and review

Weblate 1.3 will bring several new features. One of recently implemented parts is source strings review.

11 de Julho de 2012

New Weblate widget to embed in your site

Weblate just got new feature, which might help you attracting new translators - embeddable widgets. You can put them to your website to show current state of the translation and attract new ones to simple introduction page.

Português brasileiro