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Weblate blog

17. februar 2017.

What's coming in Weblate 2.12

Weblate should be released by end of February, so it's now pretty much clear what will be there. So let's look at some of the upcoming features.

31. januar 2017.

Weblate 2.11

Exactly on the schedule, Weblate 2.11 is out today. This release brings extended stats available to users and various other improvements and bug fixes.

30. januar 2017.

See you at FOSDEM

This has become sort of tradition for me, but still worth mentioning - I'm going to to FOSDEM this weekend.

20. januar 2017.

Weblate 2.10.1

This is first security bugfix release for Weblate. This has to come at some point, fortunately the issue is not really severe. But Weblate got it's first CVE ID today, so it's time to address it in a bugfix release.

20. januar 2017.

New free software projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. I'm quite slow in processing the hosting requests, but when I do that, I process them in a batch and add several projects at once.

4. januar 2017.

Seven tools that help us develop Weblate

Weblate probably would not exist (or at least would be much harder to manage) without several services that help us to develop, improve and fix bugs in our code base.

16. decembar 2016.

wlc 0.7

wlc 0.7, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. There are several new commands like translation file download or statistics fetching.

15. decembar 2016.

Weblate 2.10

Quite on the schedule, Weblate 2.10 is out today. This release brings Git exporter module, improves support for machine translation services and adds various CSV exports and API interfaces.

12. decembar 2016.

New location for Weblate

Today, Weblate got new home. The difference is not that big - it has been moved from my personal GitHub account to WeblateOrg organization.

21. novembar 2016.

New free software projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. I'm quite slow in processing the hosting requests, but when I do that, I process them in a batch and add several projects at once.
