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Weblate blog

16. novembar 2012.

Weblate 1.3

Quite on updated schedule (ie. one month later than originally planned), Weblate 1.3 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially in support of non gettext files, new quality checks and improved performance.

14. novembar 2012.

Call for Weblate translations

Weblate is close to 1.3 release (should happen on Friday if nothing urgent appears) and it's quite last chance for translators to catch up.

7. novembar 2012.

RTL languages support

While working on tool for online translating, I should have probably expected this, but somehow it surprised me - Weblate should support RTL languages.

2. novembar 2012.

RSS feeds and feature freeze of Weblate 1.3

Yesterday I've completed last big feature I wanted to have for Weblate 1.3 - improved changes tracking and exporting this as RSS feed.

1. novembar 2012.

Weblate brings source strings checks and review

Weblate 1.3 will bring several new features. One of recently implemented parts is source strings review.

24. oktobar 2012.

oSC12 wrap up

As the openSUSE Conference and all related events are over, it's time to share my thoughts how it was.

14. avgust 2012.

Weblate 1.2

Quite on schedule, Weblate 1.2 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially for project admins, handling of po files and improved performance.

2. avgust 2012.

Weblate in numbers

About month ago, I wrote that there were over 20000 translations done using Weblate in three months. It looks like I was too pessimistic with future as in slightly more than month l10n.cihar.com has reached 30000 translations.

1. avgust 2012.

Mailing list for Weblate

More and more people seem to be interested in Weblate and it is becoming less and less comfortable to handle all this communication privately in my mailbox.

27. jul 2012.

Weblate hacking #5

Last day of Hackweek VIII is over and I think Weblate is pretty much ready for 1.2 release.
