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Dancing in the dark: 4.18

Benjamin Alan Jamie
15. јун 2023.

Welcome to the dark side!

Well, don’t worry. Weblate is and always will be libre software. The only dark thing in 4.18 is the neat new theme prepared to save your eyes while weblating. You can leave your browser to trigger it or stay with your choice (for eternity). This commitment is waiting for you in your profile settings.

While keeping the mood, let’s name the features that brightened up this release. The two shining beacons, like cat eyes, are:

The VCS synchronization of screenshots. Your translators will never again be out of the picture.

The one in the top-left is Weblate’s new global search bar. It’s so mighty you'll find anything. Projects, components, languages, and users. Try it on Hosted Weblate now. The same engine will also help you to find your people and add them to your team.

You will also meet many smaller features while browsing in the shades, like a read-only prefill add-on, several improved checks and fixes. Go on and do your smooth, Fluent dancing in the dark!

If Mastodon guided you here, please shine the boom light on #Weblate with a boost or toot. After all, it is #YourSoftwareYourLanguage.

As always, 4.18 is already present on Hosted, where you can contribute to many lovely libre projects or add yours, as well as start a commercial one.

Extended support owners will receive their upgrade soon in a package of 4.18.1, together with members of a growing community of Dedicated instance owners. You can get your own Weblate server too, or ask our team anything Weblate. Oh, and skim the how-to if you enjoy upgrading by yourself!

If you want to enlighten our community with your presence, you’re very welcome.

Come back here in mid August. 5.0 is gonna be huge!
