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Блог Weblate

чэрвеня 15, 2023

Dancing in the dark: 4.18

See the shining features on the new canvas

красавіка 18, 2023

Improved storage and docs: 4.17

Time flies and the new Weblate version is out. Much work has been done on 4.17, so let’s take a look at the highlights!

сакавік 10, 2023

Enjoy 4.16

The first version in 2023 brings you tasty new features!

Сту. 24, 2023

Meet Weblate at FOSDEM 2023

We all have waited for too long, and it’s finally coming! It’s not a world cup, a new iPhone release, or holidays. It’s way better; it’s an in-person FOSDEM again. After three years, modified by global events, the Weblate team will be in Brussels, and we are looking forward to meeting you there!

Сьн. 16, 2022

Admin your team and stay private: 4.15

Weblate 4.15 is here, coming as the final major release of 2022.

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Далучайцеся да супольнасці і дапамагайце

Weblate - гэта платформа для адной з самых пазітыўных суполак, якая развіваецца хуткім тэмпам і распаўсюджвае свабоднае праграмнае забеспячэнне. Мы вучымся, развіваемся разам і аб’ядноўваем свет.

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