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Weblate blog

2024. július 1.

New versions, libre projects, and a company!

Long time, no blog, one could say. Let’s mend this and talk all the exciting things that happened for Weblate during this window of radio silence. There are new versions, new plans, new people, and a company!

2024. február 16.

First Weblate in 2024: 5.4

There are things you can rely on, no matter the changing world around you. One of those is a major Weblate version every other month. It’s the middle of February, so let’s look at the 5.4 version.

2024. január 30.

Meet Weblate team on FOSDEM 2024

Meets, conference, beer. All the details on Weblate presence at FOSDEM 2024.

2023. december 14.

Two in one: 5.2 and 3 are out

This article might look like the end-of-the-year sum up, but it is not that just yet, though yes, it does cover two Weblate major versions! November brought us 5.2 as an extra, out-of-scheduled release; it also brought some health challenges to our team members, so while the development and support worked, the announcement article needed to wait. Here we go!

2023. október 16.

Keep improving: 5.1

Things just keep getting better in Weblate; let’s fly through what 5.1 has to offer you.

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Weblate is a platform for one of the most positive and empowering communities of libre software. We learn and grow together and we connect the world.

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