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Политика приватности

Правни документи неопходни за понуду ове услуге. Документ Услова коришћења је званичан на енглеском. Превод је омогућен да вам олакша увид.

Погледај верзију на енглеском

Усклађени смо са регулативом бр. 679/2016, „Општом регулативом заштите података“, познатом и као ГДПР (GDPR). Овај документ садржи неопходне спецификације.

Контролор личних података

Ing. Michal Čihař, Nábřežní 694, 471 54 Cvikov, CZ, рег. бр. 04705904

Weblate је именовао службеника за заштиту података, до ког се може доћи преко privacy@weblate.org.

Лични подаци које Веблејт обрађује

Weblate обрађује само личне податке које корисник даје користећи их:

Име и адреса е-поште
Они се користе да вас идентификују у VCS урезивању.
Додатно, е-пошта се користи за обавештавање о погледаним догађајима.
Лозинка у хешираном облику
Koristi se kao potvrda identiteta korisnika, ako je konfigurisano
Lozinke su sačuvane mešano koristeći argon2.
ИП адреса и назив прегледача
These are logged in case of important changes to your account (e.g. a password change) to allow diagnosis in case your account is stolen.
Podaci naplate
Necessary details to issue an invoice is collected when purchasing a service from us.

Purpose and legal basis of processing Personal Data

Your Personal Data will be used for the purposes of the Service:

  • for providing our services on the Service, to contact you in matters regarding our services (also by means of e-mails and messaging) and to ensure the technical functionality of our services fulfillment of contractual or pre-contractual obligations (Article 6 (1) b. GDPR)
  • to analyze your use of our services and improve our services (Article 6 (1) b. and f. GDPR)
  • with your express consent or instruction to carry out our business activities or send you newsletters (Article 6 (1) a. GDPR)

Приступ личним подацима

The Controller has made all reasonable technical means to protect the Personal Data. Only authorized persons can access the Personal Data.

Third parties which can gain access to the Personal Data when necessary are:

  • Persons which are contracted for technical assurance of the service.
  • If you purchase a service from us, a payment processor gets essential access to your Personal Data, limited to the bare minimum needed to process your payment.

Сви лични подаци су смештени у Европској унији.

Disclosure of the Personal Data

The Personal Data might be disclosed to third parties in limited circumstances when the Controller has a good faith belief it is required by law, such as under a subpoena or other judicial or administrative order.

In case the Controller is required by law to disclose the Personal Data, an attempt will be made to provide the User with prior notice by e-mail (unless the Controller is prohibited, or it would be futile) that a request for the Personal Data has been made to allow the User to object to the disclosure. If the User does not challenge the disclosure request, the Controller may be legally required to turn over the Personal Data.

Повлачење личних података

The Personal Data is stored in the Service until the User deletes their account on the service.

Access log info might be collected for a longer period for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.

Ваша права

The User provides use of Personal Data voluntarily. Without this Personal Data Weblate is not able to provide our services.

We want you to always be in control of your Personal Data. To this end, you have certain rights that allow for it. Under certain conditions, you may:

  • Gain access to all your Personal Data that Weblate uses or processes, and even get a copy of all of it (Article 15 GDPR)
  • Correct the Personal Data that Weblate processes if you think that there are mistakes
  • Захтев да обришемо ваше личне податке
  • Ограничите обраду личних података
  • Предмет обраде
  • Receive your Personal Data in a commonly used and machine-readable format or to transmit this Personal Data to a different provider.

The removal, correction, and retrieval of your Personal Data can be done from the account management, and is fully automated.
