Blogue do Weblate
New projects on Hosted Weblate
Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue has grown too long and waited for more than month, so it's time to process it and include new projects. I hope that gives you have good motivation to spend Christmas break by translating free software.
What's being cooked for Weblate 3.0
Next release on Weblate roadmap is called 3.0 and will bring some important changes. Some of these are already present in the Git repository and deployed on Hosted Weblate, but more of that will follow.
New projects on Hosted Weblate
Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue has grown too long and waited for more than month, so it's time to process it and include new projects. I hope that gives you have good motivation to spend Christmas break by translating free software.
Weblate 2.20
Weblate 2.20 has been released today. There are several performance improvements, new features and bug fixes.
Weblate 2.19.1
Weblate 2.19.1 has been released today. This is bugfix only release mostly to fix problematic migration from 2.18 which some users have observed.
Weblate 2.19
Weblate 2.19 has been released today. The biggest improvement are probably addons to customize translation workflow, but there are some other enhancements as well.
New projects on Hosted Weblate
Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue has grown too long and waited for more than month, so it's time to process it and include new projects. I hope that gives you have good motivation to spend Christmas break by translating free software.
New projects on Hosted Weblate
Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue has grown too long, so it's time to process it and include new projects. I hope that gives you have good motivation to spend Christmas break by translating free software.
Weblate 2.18
Weblate 2.18 has been released today. The biggest improvement is probably reviewer based workflow, but there are some other enhancements as well.
New projects on Hosted Weblate
Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue has grown too long, so it's time to process it and include new project.