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14. август 2017.

New projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue was over one month long, so it's time to process it and include new project.

11. август 2017.

Weblate 2.16

Weblate 2.16 has been released today while I'm at DebConf17. There are quite some performance improvements (and more of that is scheduled for 2.17), new file formats support and various other improvements.

4. август 2017.

Changes to Docker container for Weblate

I've made several changes to the Weblate Docker container which are worth mentioning today.

3. август 2017.

Going to DebConf17

After fours years, I will again make it to DebConf, I'm looking forward to meet many great people, so if you want to meet and happen to be in Montreal next week come and say hello to me :-).

27. јул 2017.

Weblate 2.16: Call for translations

Weblate 2.16 is almost ready (I expect no further code changes), so it's really great time to contribute to it's translations! Weblate 2.16 will be probably released during my presence at DebConf 17.

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Weblate је једна од најпозитивнијих и снажнијих заједница слободног софтвера. Ми радимо и растемо заједно и повезујемо свет.

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