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20. октобар 2014.

Hosted Weblate has new UI

The biggest part of this HackWeek will be spent on Weblate. The major task is to complete new UI for it. There have been already some blog posts about that here, so regular readers of my blog already know it is using Twitter Bootstrap.

9. август 2013.

Roadmap for Weblate 1.7

Weblate 1.6 is already two weeks out without any regressions, so now it's time to think about features for 1.7.

19. јул 2013.

Speed improvements in Weblate

Yesterday, I've spent some time trying to improve speed of translation import in Weblate. It got annoyingly slow while adding new features and I felt there has to be some area for improvements even with all the features.

17. јул 2013.

Weblate has suggestion voting

The first crowdfunded feature for Weblate is here - Voting for suggestions.

19. март 2013.

Libravatar support in Weblate

For some time, Weblate was showing avatars for users. Just as I've discovered Libravatar - free and federated alternative to Gravatar, I thought it would be better replacement.

12. март 2013.

Weblate with Mercurial or Bazaar

Recently, I've learned about git remote helpers feature in Git, which allows to transparently use Git with other version control systems. As Weblate currently supports only Git, it was quite obvious to give this approach a try.

18. фебруар 2013.

Weblate charts of activity

Weblate recently got another new feature - charting of translation project activity.

18. јануар 2013.

Roadmap for Weblate 1.4 and 1.5

As usual, I've changed my plans for Weblate 1.4. Simply before I got to implementing features I wanted to have there, I've already implemented bunch of other things, which are worth releasing.

16. јануар 2013.

Weblate has per project ACL

I've got yet another question whether Weblate has any sort for ACL to limit access to project. As usual, my answer was no, but I started to think how I would implement such feature.

10. јануар 2013.

Improvements in Weblate master

As there is still some development ongoing in Weblate, it's time to share information about some of the features you can expect in upcoming release.
