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04 листопада 2016 р.

Weblate 2.9

Slightly behind schedule (it should have been released in October), Weblate 2.9 is out today. This release brings Subversion support or improved zen mode.

28 квітня 2016 р.

Weblate 2.6

Going back to faster release cycle, Weblate 2.6 has been just released. There is improved support for Python 3 or brand new HTTP REST API.

10 березня 2016 р.

Weblate 2.5

After almost six months of development Weblate 2.5 has been released. It brings lot of improvements and it's quite hard to point few ones. The most important ones include support for Python 3, reports generators, placeables highlighting, extended keyboard shortcuts, configurable dashboard or group based ACLs.

01 грудня 2015 р.

Time for change

It has been seven years since I've joined SUSE (for second time, but that's different story). As everything has to come to the end, I've decided to make a change in my life and leave safety net of being employed and go for new experience with freelancer life.

05 грудня 2014 р.

Weblate 2.1

Weblate 2.1 has been released today. It comes with native Mercurial support, user interface cleanup and various other fixes..

06 листопада 2014 р.

Weblate 2.0

Weblate 2.0 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements in backend and completely new user interface.

08 лютого 2013 р.

Hosted Weblate and new website

Today, Weblate got new website. It should better promote it's unique features and give users better idea what it is about.

23 січня 2013 р.

Weblate 1.4

Weblate 1.4 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially in configurability, admin interface and usability.

27 червня 2012 р.

Weblate - over 20000 translations in 3 months

Today, I wondered how much translations were done using Weblate since it was born. Of course I can give only numbers for services I maintain, the biggest one being translation server for phpMyAdmin, Gammu and Weblate.

10 травня 2012 р.

Weblate 1.0

After few weeks of heavy testing, Weblate 1.0 has been released today.
