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Meet Weblate at FOSDEM 2023

Benjamin Alan Jamie
24 gener de 2023

We all have waited for too long, and it’s finally coming! It’s not a world cup, a new iPhone release, or holidays. It’s way, way better; FOSDEM will happen in person again! After three years, modified by global events, the Weblate team will be in Brussels, and we are looking forward to meeting you there!

So, what’s on the schedule?

  • We will be in Brussels from the 1st to the 6th of February, and you can write us to arrange a meeting if you did not already.
  • A very informal Weblate community event on Friday evening will happen at BBP Bailli at 19:00. Meet us, chat, and have a beer or a drink you like. Don’t be afraid of hunger; you can enjoy a fancy pizza from a fancy oven and some other treats! If you plan to join, please fill out a short form, so we know who we can look forward to seeing and how large our group will be.
  • FOSDEM days on ULB are Saturday and Sunday, and the Weblate team will be there the whole time. You will recognize us by Weblate hoodies and T-shirts. We are looking forward to seeing you and appraising you with some swag.
  • Benjamin will have a Lightning Talk to kick off a discussion about making localization of libre projects more accessible and organized. This will happen on Saturday at 12:40 in room H.2215 (Ferrer). Michal will also be there. Join the discussion about possible TRANSLATION.md!
  • Every Weblate human is welcome in the room UB2.147 at Saturday’s 17:00 for Weblate community BoF to share their feedback, ideas, and points. If you want to help make Weblate better, meet users from other projects, and get inspired, come there!
  • Sunday will offer a longer talk about Weblate news, plans, achievements, and happy communities. Meet us in room AW1.120 at 13:45.
  • A chatroom will be open so you can find our team on a crowded campus easier. A link will appear here.
  • If you have a time and place around FOSDEM where you think Weblate should be present, don’t hesitate to let us know!

There is a lot planned, and even more will happen at this fantastic event that’s so important for Weblate in its 11 years history to date. We can’t wait to see you in Brussels’ buzzing libre days!

Stay tuned for more information at Mastodon!
