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Weblate-Blog / Version

26. November 2012

Weblate 1.3 at SUSE Studio

Finally, I've managed to update SUSE Studio images with Weblate to recently released 1.3. So you can now fetch there various images for your virtual machines or clouds.

16. November 2012

Weblate 1.3

Quite on updated schedule (ie. one month later than originally planned), Weblate 1.3 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially in support of non gettext files, new quality checks and improved performance.

14. August 2012

Weblate 1.2

Quite on schedule, Weblate 1.2 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements, especially for project admins, handling of po files and improved performance.

4. Juli 2012

Weblate 1.1

Pretty much on schedule, Weblate 1.1 has been released today. It comes with translation updates, bug fixes, improvements in working with Git repositories and brings support for offloading indexing.

10. Mai 2012

Weblate 1.0

After few weeks of heavy testing, Weblate 1.0 has been released today.

18. April 2012

Weblate 0.9

Pretty much on schedule, Weblate 0.9 has been released today.

3. April 2012

Weblate 0.8

After quite big delay, Weblate 0.8 is finally ready. There are many fixes and improvements like grouping of Git commits, improved checks or activity logging. All in all this should be feature complete for 1.0 release.

16. März 2012

Weblate 0.7

Continuing at same pace (one release every two days), I can announce Weblate 0.7. The major change is built in full text search and displaying of context for currently translated message (either based on location in po file or by string similarity based on full text data).

14. März 2012

Weblate 0.6

Continuing with fast release pace for Weblate, I've just released version 0.6. It brings few bug fixes adds quality checks for translations and configurable access control.

12. März 2012

Weblate 0.5

Continuing with fast release pace for Weblate, I've just released version 0.5. It brings lot of bug fixes (thanks for everybody who has provided feedback), lot of new translations (thanks to translators) and as a special bonus it can use few machine translation services.
