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Weblate blog

2015. február 11.

Hosted Weblate welcomes new projects

In past days, several new free software projects have been added to Hosted Weblate. If you are interested in translating your project there, just follow instruction at our website.

2015. január 15.

Weblate UI polishing

After releasing Weblate 2.0 with Bootstrap based UI, there was still lot of things to improve. Weblate 2.1 brought more consistency in using buttons with colors and icons. Weblate 2.2 will bring some improvements in other graphics elements.

2014. december 5.

Weblate 2.1

Weblate 2.1 has been released today. It comes with native Mercurial support, user interface cleanup and various other fixes..

2014. november 18.

Mercurial support in Weblate

Weblate has started as a translation system tightly bound to Git version control system. This was in no means design decision, but rather it was the version control I've used. But this has shown not to be sufficient and other systems were requested as well. And Mercurial is first of them to be supported.

2014. november 6.

Weblate 2.0

Weblate 2.0 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements in backend and completely new user interface.

2014. október 20.

Hosted Weblate has new UI

The biggest part of this HackWeek will be spent on Weblate. The major task is to complete new UI for it. There have been already some blog posts about that here, so regular readers of my blog already know it is using Twitter Bootstrap.

2014. október 2.

Merging Weblate instances

For quite some time, I've been running translation server for projects where I am involved at Historically this used Pootle, but when we had more and more problems with that, I've written Weblate and started to use it there.

2014. július 15.

New UI for Weblate

For quite some time, I'm working on new UI for Weblate. As the time is always limited, the progress is not that fast as I would like to see, but I think it's time to show the current status to wider audience.

2014. május 15.

Rewamping UI for Weblate

For quite some time I was pretty confident that Weblate will need some UI rewrite at some point. This is always problematic thing for me as I'm no way an UI designer and thus I always hope that somebody else will do that. I've anyway spent few hours on train home from LinuxTag to check what I could do with that.

2014. május 6.

Weblate 1.9

Weblate 1.9 has been released today. It comes with lot of improvements and bug fixes and with experimental Zen mode for editing translations.
