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2017년 1월 31일

Weblate 2.11

Exactly on the schedule, Weblate 2.11 is out today. This release brings extended stats available to users and various other improvements and bug fixes.

2017년 1월 20일

Weblate 2.10.1

This is first security bugfix release for Weblate. This has to come at some point, fortunately the issue is not really severe. But Weblate got it's first CVE ID today, so it's time to address it in a bugfix release.

2016년 12월 16일

wlc 0.7

wlc 0.7, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. There are several new commands like translation file download or statistics fetching.

2016년 12월 15일

Weblate 2.10

Quite on the schedule, Weblate 2.10 is out today. This release brings Git exporter module, improves support for machine translation services and adds various CSV exports and API interfaces.

2016년 11월 4일

Weblate 2.9

Slightly behind schedule (it should have been released in October), Weblate 2.9 is out today. This release brings Subversion support or improved zen mode.

2016년 9월 20일

wlc 0.6

wlc 0.6, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. There have been some minor fixes, but the most important news is that Windows and OS X are now supported platforms as well.

2016년 8월 31일

Weblate 2.8

Quite on schedule (just one day later), Weblate 2.7 is out today. This release brings Subversion support or improved zen mode.

2016년 7월 10일

Weblate 2.7

Slightly later than on monthly schedule but Weblate 2.7 is out today. This release brings improvements to the API and is first to officially support wlc a command line client for Weblate.

2016년 7월 8일

wlc 0.4

wlc 0.4, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. This release doesn't bring much changes, but still worth announcing.

2016년 5월 19일

wlc 0.3

wlc 0.3, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. This is probably first release which is worth using so it's probably also worth of bigger announcement.
