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Блог Weblate

28 июня 2012 г.

Preview of Weblate 1.1

Upcoming Weblate 1.1 is now installed on both http://demo.weblate.org and http://l10n.cihar.com. There release is almost ready (I plan to add only one minor feature) and this setup was done to get more testing in real life setup before making actual release.

27 июня 2012 г.

Weblate - over 20000 translations in 3 months

Today, I wondered how much translations were done using Weblate since it was born. Of course I can give only numbers for services I maintain, the biggest one being translation server for phpMyAdmin, Gammu and Weblate.

11 мая 2012 г.

Pootle vs. Weblate

As Weblate 1.0 is out, it's time to compare it to existing solutions. As first I've chosen Pootle as this is tool which we have been using for quite some time and I used it as an inspiration for Weblate.

10 мая 2012 г.

Weblate 1.0

After few weeks of heavy testing, Weblate 1.0 has been released today.

4 мая 2012 г.

Ready for Weblate 1.0

I think Weblate is really ready to be released as 1.0 release. It runs pretty stable on https://l10n.cihar.com, I got some bug reports from others, but these were quickly fixed and now nobody complains.

20 апреля 2012 г.

Weblate gets experimental support for Android resources

I did sort of commit to at least trying to add support for Android string resource to Weblate on Stack Overflow, now while waiting for bugs to fix in 1.0 release it was right time to look at it.

19 апреля 2012 г.

Weblate appliance

Thanks to great SUSE Studio I've made available appliance with ready to run Weblate. It's based on openSUSE 12.1, with few packages coming from Python devel repository (where I had to push some package updates) and Weblate package, which is currently available in my home.

18 апреля 2012 г.

Weblate 0.9

Pretty much on schedule, Weblate 0.9 has been released today.

5 апреля 2012 г.

Why weblate?

I still get lot of questions why I wrote Weblate instead of staying with some existing solution. Most of the reasons were already addressed in previous posts, where I looked for Pootle alternative or announced Weblate, but still it might be worth to summarize reasons once more.

3 апреля 2012 г.

Weblate 0.8

After quite big delay, Weblate 0.8 is finally ready. There are many fixes and improvements like grouping of Git commits, improved checks or activity logging. All in all this should be feature complete for 1.0 release.
