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Weblate blog

18. veljače 2025.

Weblate 5.10 and FOSDEM 25

We have a some amount of news we want to share with you, part from the start of the month, part happened right in the middle. Let’s go! Weblate 5.10 and FOSDEM 25

22. siječnja 2025.

Meet Weblate at FOSDEM 2025

Do you feel the sweet mood that’s coming? It’s the FOSDEM getting closer! We can’t wait to meet you, our lovely community, in person again. Let’s take a look at what’s in the plan.

16. prosinca 2024.

The first company release: 5.9

The last major Weblate version of 2024 is here, and it is the first one since we’ve became the company.

28. listopada 2024.

Weblate becomes a company

We would like to share with you one of the biggest news in Weblate history. We started a company called Weblate s.r.o., registered in Czechia, so it’s not moving Weblate’s residence. The team grows, but nobody is leaving.

15. listopada 2024.

New integrations and documentation: 5.8

Another two moths are gone, and the growing Weblate team is proudly here with the latest release. So proud, we made two in one day, with a tiny fix of Python package in 5.8.1.

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