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Weblate blog / Razvoj

2. oktobar 2014.

Merging Weblate instances

For quite some time, I've been running translation server for projects where I am involved at l10n.cihar.com. Historically this used Pootle, but when we had more and more problems with that, I've written Weblate and started to use it there.

15. jul 2014.

New UI for Weblate

For quite some time, I'm working on new UI for Weblate. As the time is always limited, the progress is not that fast as I would like to see, but I think it's time to show the current status to wider audience.

15. maj 2014.

Rewamping UI for Weblate

For quite some time I was pretty confident that Weblate will need some UI rewrite at some point. This is always problematic thing for me as I'm no way an UI designer and thus I always hope that somebody else will do that. I've anyway spent few hours on train home from LinuxTag to check what I could do with that.

11. oktobar 2013.

Hackweek is over

10th hackweek is over and I think it has been again great chance to hack on something. This year we even had better food supplies so interruptions from hacking were even less frequent.

7. oktobar 2013.

First day of Hackweek

First day of hackweek did not really go as planned. I had to spend too much time on tasks which I did not now I will have to do in advance.

12. april 2013.

Hackweek 9 is over

Hackweek 9 is over and it's time to share what I've done on Weblate during that.

3. april 2013.

Weblate and Hackweek 9

You might have already noticed that there is Hackweek 9 coming next week. At SUSE we will get pizzas, icecream and other nice stuff, but most importantly we can spend the week on hacking anything we want.

4. decembar 2012.

PyGtk in virtualenv on Travis

Weblate is using Travis CI for continuous integration. That in turn uses virtualenv to test against different Python version.

27. jul 2012.

Weblate hacking #5

Last day of Hackweek VIII is over and I think Weblate is pretty much ready for 1.2 release.

26. jul 2012.

Weblate hacking #4

Fourth day of Hackweek VIII was for me again mostly spent on Weblate. This time there are no new nice features, but rather general improvements to the code.
