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Quick setup
Quick Installation

Weblate is easiest to install using pip or Docker, please follow the Quick setup guide for more detailed instructions.

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Cloud or virtualisation images

Weblate can be run in any cloud or virtualization environment. The following guides will show you detailed info about some of the most common platforms.

Running Weblate in a Docker container
Docker guide
Running Weblate on the OpenShift platform
OpenShift guide
Running Weblate on the Kubernetes platform
Kubernetes guide

GitHub repository

Weblate is developed on GitHub, you can fork it there, find more repositories, or just:

# Weblate
git clone https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate.git

# Weblate command line client
git clone https://github.com/WeblateOrg/wlc.git

Weblate command line client

You can control Weblate remotely using wlc, which can be installed from Python pip:

pip3 install wlc

Join the community and contribute

Weblate is a platform for one of the most positive and empowering communities of libre software. We learn and grow together and we connect the world.

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