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Leaving big ball behind: 4.7

Benjamin Alan Jamie
18 juni 2021

We decided to get rid of the ball that has grown next to Weblate’s leg during the latest years. Django admin interface is quite powerful; we like it, and it had been a massive help in Weblate’s origin years. But as the platform is getting more and more mature, user-friendly, and enterprise-ready, Django admin became not enough.

So Weblate 4.7 is bringing much tuning and polishing together with the introduction of Django admin interface farewell as the most significant new thing.

The move

Even if you are an experienced Weblate user, you might never touch the Django admin running under Weblate. And that’s alright.

Being a corporate or a huge foundation user, you probably needed it. But not for long! We created a complex GitHub issue for this big step. Feel free to check it to get the outlook, visit the linked issues for details, and share your ideas if you want to. A community effort is always better. S what’s left to do at the moment? Finish the powerful user management and introduce component list management. What are the component lists you ask? See the docs, and you can also suggest an improvement!


Another lovely improvement in 4.7 is a performance boost for linked repositories. It’s a powerful Weblate feature but not quite well known. Learn more about them and how the Component Discovery add-on can help your workflow.

Besides this, there are tons of bug fixes and stability improvements in this release, so it definitely worth the upgrade. Check all of them in the docs and dig deeper into all closed issues via the link provided.

High standard

If you like to do some peeking before updating, peek at Hosted. Extended support subscribers already got the message from us, and the update is on the way. Customers with servers managed by us will receive the update during the upcoming update windows. Wanna feel the same comfort? Just ask the Weblate team to help you, not only with updates!

If you want to discuss the new version or anything else, you are welcome. If you’re going to tell the world about Weblate, Twitter is a good place to do it.

Thank you for reading, have a nice time, and see you with future news!
