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Check out who’s using Weblate already. We are a community of translators and localization specialists who use and improve our common tool to empower readers and app users around the World. Find your favorite projects and start contributing together with us.

1516 projects
106031 translators

Hosted Weblate

The largest Weblate server worldwide is home to hundreds of libre and private projects. And Weblate itself! Love libre software? Your possibilities of contributing are limitless here!

Game Save Manager Finamp Clipious userli RaccoonForLemmy Piped Portmod Calculator You Exclave Hail JSignPdf Episodes Yōkai My Expenses OpenToonz Homm3BG: Fan-Made Mission Book OpenRefine FitTrackee Ouisync OpenOrienteering

1 project
37 translators


4 projects
97 translators

Eso Spolszczenie

Jesteśmy grupą zapaleńców, którzy z pasji tłumaczą Elder Scrolls Online. Chcesz pomóc w tłumaczeniu odwiedź discorda: https://discord.gg/xg8eJnM

6 projects
319 translators

Funkwhale Weblate

Help translating Funkwhale and its surrounding projects!

Funkwhale Tab Center Reborn Documentation UI Components Website

3 projects
155 translators


Checkmk - IT infrastructure monitoring

