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La maniere Weblate

We love localization and libre software enough to build a privacy-respecting localization tool and provide it as copylefted libre software. It all started in 2012.

Fevrâr 2012—Michal Čihař

Ricercje di une alternative a Pootle

…The key feature is full integration with Git. Changes are committed to a local Git branch and easily merged back.

Març 2012—Michal Čihař

Comunicât di Weblate

…After about a week of development, Weblate is announced; a web-based translation tool with tight Git integration.

Avrîl 2012—Michal Čihař

Parcè Weblate?

Instead of settling with an existing solution, Weblate was made to have:
◦ Integrazion Git
◦ Atribuzion de traduzion
◦ Gjestion dai varis rams
◦ Visualizazion dal contest
◦ Sensade union des traduzions
◦ Controi di consistence

Vuê—Michal Čihař

Weblate al cres e il doman al è viert a gnovis oportunitâts.

Your Weblate Team

Michal Čihař

Michal Čihař

Author of the idea; code and development leader. He’s also designing custom and large-scale solutions.
Benjamin Alan Jamie

Benjamin Alan Jamie

Community manager and support guru who’s helping you with smooth workflows. Our salesperson.
Víťa Válka

Víťa Válka

Interface and graphics designer elevating user happiness. He’s continually optimizing Weblate.

Colaboradôrs e tradutôrs unîts

La cronologjie di Weblate

Michal Čihař

Michal al è un disvilupadôr entusiast di software libar, al è nassût e al vîf a Praghe, te Republiche Ceche. Al è un colaboradôr di vecje date a varis progjets di software libar come Weblate, Gammu, phpMyAdmin e Debian.

After employment in several technology companies, since early 2016, Michal dedicated himself to providing services to companies focusing on localization and Weblate.

Plui informazions

Dive in, or leverage extensive skills and experience from our team of professionals, giving focused advice attentive to your exact needs.

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Weblate s.r.o.
Nábřežní 694
471 54, Cvikov, Cechie
ID business
D-U-N-S Number
Ing. Michal Čihař
Nábřežní 694
471 54, Cvikov, Cechie
ID business
D-U-N-S Number
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