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Mailing list for Weblate

More and more people seem to be interested in Weblate and it is becoming less and less comfortable to handle all this communication privately in my mailbox.


Surprising uses of Weblate

When I wrote Weblate I expected that major use cases will be free software projects, which will use it for public translating service. At least this was my intention for it.


Pootle vs. Weblate

As Weblate 1.0 is out, it's time to compare it to existing solutions. As first I've chosen Pootle as this is tool which we have been using for quite some time and I used it as an inspiration for Weblate.


Ready for Weblate 1.0

I think Weblate is really ready to be released as 1.0 release. It runs pretty stable on https://l10n.cihar.com, I got some bug reports from others, but these were quickly fixed and now nobody complains.


Why weblate?

I still get lot of questions why I wrote Weblate instead of staying with some existing solution. Most of the reasons were already addressed in previous posts, where I looked for Pootle alternative or announced Weblate, but still it might be worth to summarize reasons once more.


Roadmap for Weblate

There were no big updates from me on Weblate this week. I decided to settle down a bit and focus on bringing it close to 1.0 release. I plan to release 0.8 in one or two weeks, which should include all features. After it receives some testing and bug fixes, 0.9 will be released and if no major problems occur 1.0 will follow shortly.


Announcing Weblate

After about week of (not so heavy) development, I can announce availability of Weblate - web based translation tool with tight Git integration.


Looking for Pootle alternative

For some time, we use Pootle as online translation tool for phpMyAdmin. It is indeed great tool, but somehow we seem to be hitting more and more issues with it and I feel it really won't fit nicely once we will want to support translations on two divergent branches. Also it's code base is not something easy to understand so that I would be able to fix bugs myself without major effort.
