165+ Countries
Weblate localizes the world
Hosted service and standalone tool with tight version control integration. Simple and clean user interface, propagation of translations across components, quality checks and automatic linking to source files.
93 translations just now
Layihə Audiobookshelf
1 418 translations just now
Layihə Godot Engine
7 translations just now
Layihə LibreSign coop site
132 translations just now
Layihə Kotatsu
27 translations just now
Layihə Breezy Weather
8 072 translations recently
Layihə F-Droid
231 translations recently
Layihə WebODM
23 translations recently
Layihə Dicio
803 translations recently
Layihə Gramps
13 translations recently
Layihə Immich
785 954 translations
in the last 7 days