165+ Countries
Weblate localizes the world
Hosted service and standalone tool with tight version control integration. Simple and clean user interface, propagation of translations across components, quality checks and automatic linking to source files.
124 translations just now
Layihə MicroBlocks
108 translations just now
Layihə Moner.ooo
28 translations just now
Layihə FindMyDevice
400 translations just now
Layihə MMRL
42 translations just now
Layihə LiberaForms
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Layihə GnuCash
582 translations just now
Layihə OsmAnd
537 translations just now
Layihə motioneye-project
96 translations just now
Layihə OSM Apps Catalog
11 translations just now
Layihə monerujo
799 028 translations
in the last 7 days