Presits Weblate
Use Weblate as a service, set up your own, or get help for on-premise hosting — all with the convenience of the premium support. Our team is ready to help you run Weblate smoothly.
Compare Cloud and Self-hosted Features
Hosted Weblate
Cloud-hosted Price Options
Weblate ospitât al permet la localizazion cence nissun sfuarç in plui e cul supuart premium sostignût dai svilupadôrs principâi e di tradutôrs professioniscj. Domande informazions sul hosting (ospitâ il servizi) di progjets plui grancj o fasinus rispuindi aes tôs domandis metinti in contat—o sin pronts a cjatâ la soluzion perfete.
Cloud hosting prices are based purely on number of strings. All plans include all Weblate features.
Si acetin paiaments cun cjarte di credit, bonific bancari o cripto-valude. Par vê plui detais e opzions contatinus. Ducj i presits a son IVA escludude. Ai utents finâi de UE e aes societâts cechis e vignarà cjariade la IVA adizionâl dal 21%. La inversion contabil si apliche aes faturis mandadis fûr pes impresis jenfri la UE.
Hosted strings
Pricing is based on the number of strings in all used languages. A string is a text unit defined in a translation format. It can be a word, sentence, or paragraph.
Weblate proudly supports libre projects
If you feel that being supported by Weblate will help your libre project, set it up and get the Libre plan gratis. It has the same limits as the 160k plan, and is only for public projects.